Home / Changelog
Current Beta
None at the moment! Press the link below to get the latest beta updates when they are available.
Official Release
v3.2.1-49 - 10.28.18
- Added Cleartext traffic support for devices using API level 28
v3.2.0-48 - 10.27.18
- Somewhat fixed NotesListFragment floating action button UI issues
- Removed MaterialDialog dependency (deprecated) and converted all dialogs into my own
- Fixed issue with updated title not displayed after editing title in quick note editor
- Fixed display issue with quick note editor after note is launched to be edited in bible
- Merged HomeFragment and NewsFeedFragment
- Re-enabled collapsing toolbar for MainActivity
- Minor UI changes to social media ad
- Majorly improved news feed sorting logic and display speeds
- Improved search logic
- Converted nearly all images and icons to vector assets
- Removed a lot of unnecessary and unused code and files (over 200 files deleted!)
- Fixed issue where NoteEditorFragment would crash after app resume.
- Added Search Fragment
- Improved BBID address creating
v3.1.0-44 - 10.20.18
- Upgraded database to Firebase Firestore
- Added Sync activity to migrate all data from old database
- Changed MenuMaker to HSCore
- Updated News Feed fragment
- Notes no longer automatically save, allowing the user to discard any changes.
- Minor Bible UI changes
- Added Home Fragment
- Significantly improved speeds of BibleActivity
- Improved HTML and unicode conversion and display
- Added more sources for news and devotions
- Many, many bug fixes
v3.0.4 - 10.8.18
- Added Crashlytics to help improve error reporting
- Fixed bug that caused app to crash when reopened after a period of time.
- Fixed issue bottom navigation bar height and icon issue.
- Updated help section.
- More bug fixes
v3.0.3 - 10.3.18
- Android 28 and AndroidX support.
- Added Privacy Policy.
- ButterKnifed it.
v3.0.2 - 9.2.18
- Fixed Christianity Today logo.
- Fixed feed refresh icon not disappearing after refresh successful.
- Visual adjustments.
- Updated repositories.
v3.0.1 - 9.1.18
- ESV approval for use has been given, and it is now re-enabled
- Bug fixes
v3.0.0 - 11.7.17
- NEW - Christian News Feed: Stay up-to-date with the latest Christian news from around the world. View, read, and share articles with your friends and family. More news sources will be coming in future updates.
- Added a vast amount of devotions
- Redesigned UI
- Slight improvements with note taking
- Bug fixes
- Added support up to Android 8.1
v2.9.8 - 4.26.17
- UI enhancements
- Massive amount of bugs killed
v2.9.6 - 4.19.17
- Bug fixes
2.9 - 4.12.17
At the end of last year, BB experienced a significant loss of data, causing it to fall back several versions. This latest version of BB is not a substantial update from the previous, primarily involving changes in UI; however, now that the coding is caught up, expect big things in the near future.
2.8 - 10.29.16
Introducing… Cloud Notes. Do you prefer to use your phone while at church but enjoy using a tablet to study God’s Word while at home? Well, Bible Buddy makes this easier because, now, your notes will sync across all devices!
Additionally, BB now supports Android 7.1.
2.7 - 9.23.16
- Android N support
- Prepped for future updates
2.6 - 7.5.16
- NEW FEATURE - Dark Theme - for reading at night!
- Restyled a lot of UI elements
- Improved code logic
- Bug fixes
2.5 - 6.7.16
- NEW FEATURE - Daily Devotions. Need help getting back into the word? Open BB each day for a devotion to help your walk with Christ. Also, you can share or save any devotion for later if you really enjoyed it!
- Added ability to share notes
- Minor UI enhancements
- Lint operations
- App size reduced by almost half
2.4 - 5.25.16
- Fixed issue with daily verse not showing
- Added “Full Change Log” linkItem to “Latest Update” on home page
- Speed and app size improvements
2.3 - 5.24.16
- NEW OFFLINE VERSION: King James Version
- Code logic improvements
- Minor UI improvements
2.2 - 5.19.16
- Completely redesigned Home page
- Added links to Facebook and Twitter
- Speed improvements
- Added splash screen
- Minor bug fixes
- Simplified versioning system
2.1.2 - 5.18.16
- Added “Help” section
- Added “Share this App” linkItem
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor UI changes
2.1.1 - 5.11.16
- Reorganized some menu options
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
2.1.0 - 5.10.16
- New OFFLINE Bible version available for download: World English Bible More versions to come!
2.0.0 - 4.27.16
- Notes: Enhance your studies by saving your thoughts as you have them! Conveniently located in a sliding drawer at the bottom of the Bible.
- Select: You can now select verses to either copy or share with friends and family.
- Redesigned Bible to hide action bar while scrolling
- Added a News card to give live information as needed
- Brand new navigation drawer
- Added network connectivity alert dialogs
- Redesigned all alert dialogs
- Other UI enhancements
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements
1.3.0 - 3.28.16
- Added a daily verse notification (optional) that can be shared with friends and family!
- Settings menu created
- Added ability to clear search history
- Improved look of home screen cards
- Bug fixes and improvements
1.2.1 - 3.26.16
- Redesigned UI for easier bible navigation
- Words of Christ are now in red!
- Added icons to menu
- Recreated home fragment
- Added more text size options
- Search improvements and bug fixes
1.1.0 - 3.8.16
- Added search bar to more easily find verses and keywords anywhere in the Bible!
- Bug fixes
1.0.0 - 3.6.16
- First official app release
- Feedback is greatly appreciated!
- More features soon to come!